When a Door Closes, Another One Opens for You
- daily motivations
- inspiration, mindset, opportunities, self improvement
- April 12, 2017
For me, Life ends the day we become silent about things that matter to us…but what if those very things that matter shuts us out??? should our lives be on the verge of the finish line??? …I suppose not, right???
Take one family for example…the very meaning of it defines one person’s status quo for it gives a great impact when you say you belong to one…at some instances, not all are accepting of who you are…they would hate you for being different, they would hate you for doing the things you love and what makes you happy, they would blame you for being in the wrong place at the wrong time…they would criticize you for being you and would not want you to be part of whatever they are part of…they don’t like you simply because you were brought up differently carrying whole baggage of perceptions in life which they refuse to understand because they have standards…standards that you can’t simply comprehend because it was a boxed-in principle set to let others down but themselves…they have so many reasons of not wanting you, proudly slapping it in your face…you’re either too fat or too thin, too beautiful or too ugly, too rich, too poor, too dumb, too smart, you come too strong or too weak, you’re too naive and submissive, you’re too opinionated and dominant, you’re successful or not, blah blah blah….when actually they simply hate you because you’re not like them…they despise you because you don’t submit to what they call the “norms” of their so-called perfect life…nonetheless, nobody is perfect…everybody is a bitch in their own way…the only difference between you and them is that you have the courage to accept these imperfections and not pretend that you are righteous in any way to degrade others…it hurts so much to know that your own blood family would give up on you because they refuse to accept you…ditch you unreasonably just because you’re you…so sad that they don’t have a caring bone in their body…yet good riddance…
In my heart, I believe I have done nothing wrong…for every fall, I learned to stand…for every mistake, I made it right…there is nothing wrong for being me….it’s not my fault that they have regrets in life…it’s not my fault that they have struggling self-esteem…it’s not my fault that I’m strong like a fighter and they’re weak as a slug…not my fault when frustrations come their way when they don’t get what they want and all they can think of is blame it on others…not my fault they’re drawn to fortune and power when a door closes, another door opens for you…which they believe they have over me…not my fault that I’m shit less poor and they refer to me as “the loser”….It is not my fault that they are what they are….We all have our own story to tell…and the way I am telling it now is what I perceived to be true to me…this is me and it is not my fault that you despise me…
I have no regrets for I believe that everything has a purpose…everything happens for a reason…this is a story where everyone else pulls you down and shuts you out…then for a moment you pause to take that divine intervention within you and realizes that when a door closes, another one opens for a new beginning…Instead of bitterness in your heart, you begin to feel grateful…grateful to those who do you wrong, to those who push you to your limits…because of them you grew to become better…better than your old self…could be better than them who continues to push you alongside with the people they hate…when actually those people they hate so much are the people standing behind the shadows of their uncertainty…often they say they care less when you open your mouth to speak but with silence comes to the conscience of driving pass through you leaving you in the pit of sadness and oftentimes, unable to fight back…
They think they have the right to do this to you, I personally believe you also have the right, the right to just walk away without any glance…leave them thinking you have no one when you have HIM beside you…always there to keep you safe…Sometimes in life, when things go wrong and you feel that there’s no one to turn to…yet miraculously, there’s always someone there with a bunch-full of kindness that would take you when the rest of the world drops you like a hot potato…Just be glad without a glimpse of the past.
Don’t be sad, don’t be blue for you only have one lifetime, one chance…an opportunity…one open door…grab the knob and see what else is in store for you…it may not be served on a silver platter but it was served with great love from the Higher Power, definitely for you to take…moving on to the other side means growing as a person…be better, for I know I am now….
you may not agree, but half of the world would and half of the world would not know of this…
I know you’ll get there, I know I will….with a little leap of faith…we’ll get to the other side of the open door.
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